Seismic Industries analog modular synthesizers.

Designed to combine the flexibility of a modular synthesizer and the dimensions of a tabletop unit. Swiss made.

All modules follow specific design rules and have a maximum depth of 13mm. The overall depth of the systemONE ist 20mm.

Further goodies and features no other system delivers are built in. Check out the Design Rules page.

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News & Changes

The new PAMT Module is now available in our webshop.

This weekend in vienna!!

systemONE presentation on saturday, june 25th 2PM.

Facebook Event

Blind Tape Quartets / Tape release

I have been to OOR Records participating in Lukatoyboy’s Blind Tape Quartet Recording. The 10minutes record got released on tape Nr.38.

It is a very interesting project, and the session was a pleasure for me.

Thanks Luka

Thanks OOR
